Monday, January 25, 2010


So, we are right in the middle of our 30 day fast for the first of the year, and God has been doing some incredible things in our church and in my life. This fast is an effort for our church to give the first of our year to God and seeking God to bring wisdom and power in our church and in our lives. So, we are on a 30 day fast while reading through Proverbs and Acts. I just wanted to write a little bit about what God has doing in my life during this fast.

First off, this fast has helped me to become more sensitive to the spirit and to His leading. In spending more focused and purposed time in my devotions He has begun to show and teach me things. It's really awesome to me to see how clearing out things that we desire and putting them on hold opens up room for God's Spirit to dwell more intensely. The fast has helped me to develop even more of a desire for God and for His presence.

God has also been doing some amazing things and providing for me in various ways and has really shown Himself real to me. It seems as if God comes through right when I think there is no way that my needs or desires can be met. Without going into alot of detail, God has just really been making Him self real to me during this fast.

I wanted to write a little on fasting to help those of you who don't fully understand the concept. Now I am by no means someone who has done research and know everything on fasting, but maybe my insight will help some of you. Fasting isn't about just not eating or giving up something just to do it, or just because it's the "right thing to do." There must be purpose in fasting. Simply put, fasting is the denying of the flesh to be filled with more of the Spirit. The flesh and Spirit are constantly at battle. The things of the Spirit do not go along with what our flesh wants. In fact, most of the time, it's the complete opposite. So, when we fast, it's an act of letting what the flesh wants go so that we can accept the things of the Spirit. I will say this, if you have never fasted or have never fasted with purpose, I encourage you to do so. God will teach you things and do things in your life like you never imagined.

Even in your everyday life, constantly be making room for the Spirit of God. You don't have to fast all the time to make room, but you can live a life of surrender to the Spirit. I know that if you do this, God will take you to places in Him that you could never have dreamed of!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, Amen to that! I find when I fast it helps me discipline other areas of my life as well. Life is much sweeter with more Spirit and less flesh! :)
